Coastside Free Clinic in Half Moon Bay
RotaCare Coastside
​Clinic Information
The RotaCare Coastside Free Medical Clinic provides free medical services to people who do not have health coverage.​ Clinic services are provided to patients at no cost.
Clinic Address:
225 South Cabrillo Hwy, Suite 100A
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019
Phone: (650) 773-6513
Fax: (866) 767-8064
Clinic Hours:
Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Walk-ins are welcome. Scheduled appointments are preferred.
Please note the clinic stops accepting patients once the clinic is full.
Call or text (650) 773-6513 to schedule an appointment or for more information.
Urgent Care - treatment of minor injuries and illnesses
Screening for diabetes and/or hypertension
Linkages to other health services
Community resource referrals
The clinic DOES NOT provide the following: DMV, worker's comp, or disability evaluations; emergency care; women's health services; STD testing; specialty care; chronic pain management; medications; and immunizations/vaccinations.
The clinic DOES NOT have a pediatrician.
For information about immunization/vaccination clinics in the area please call the San Mateo County Immunization Program at
(650) 573-2877